December Favorites
Roe Products-We love Roe because they are easy on the skin and work really well. They all have clean ingredients and are fragrance free.
Body Lotion—— Diaper Cream—— Body Wash
Legendairy Milk Cash Cow Supplement- As an exclusive pumper I will do almost anything to make sure my supply stays where we need it for the babies bottles to be solely breastmilk. I personally do not take the recommended dosage for this product, but do take it every morning in a small dose and do notice a slight dip in my milk production when I miss a day. Highly recommend to anyone pumping or breastfeeding.
Melissa & Doug K’s Kids Musical Farmyard Cube- This cube was gifted to us when the babies were born and I am so thankful that they gave us two. My babies love that it makes noise and that there are so many different textures on one item. It has helped with our sitting practice as well.
Haakaa Baby Fruit Food Feeder- This is a lifesaver when it comes to teething!!! As of right now we have not used this for fruit, but breastmilk pops in it help soothe the babies gums.
Baby Sensory Teething Chew High Chair Suction Toy- These are so much fun for the babies to play with to help with them being impatient as we get their solids/purees ready. It was great to start them with these on their highchair trays so that they got used to the highchair being a fun place.
Miss Mouth’s Messy Eater Stain Treater-I LIVE BY THIS PRODUCT!!! It is not only good for baby messes but everything in between. Most of the time I don’t have to pretreat (rinse) out a stain unless there is chunks or it was a really bad one, it takes it right out in one wash. It has also taken out stains that were washed in before I found this product.
Owlet Dream Sock-I also LIVE by this product. This was a must for me when we started looking at baby items and I am so glad we have it. Being a NICU mom, I looked at numbers for a month and being able to look at them at home puts so much ease to bedtime. We only use this at bedtime right now and it is a vital part of our routine, making sure it is on properly and good for the night.
Frosty The Snowman Plush-This was a random buy from my mom during the holiday season and we ended up having to go back and get a second one it was such a hit! The lights were so soothing that we were able to calm a crying baby by turning it on. It also was a great addition to tummy time and I believe helped start some of the rollover process. It may be out of stock now, but would keep an eye out for it next year!
Crinkle Books- Our babies love textures and noises, the squeaker and crinkles are their favorites! Below are their FAVORITE crinkle books, but they do like all of them. They gravitate towards these two the most. They may be out of stock since its not Christmas time anymore, but any crinkle book is great!